9/02/2008 11:29:00 AM
Really nice
writeup on Texas art source Glasstire about a group show I am collaborating
on in October, by my girl
Ivan Lozano:
Future Prologues: The Compression of Post-Pop Narratives into Non-Space and Pre-Time
Creative Research Laboratory
October 18 - November 8, 2008

Finally, these damn kids with their thirft-store finds and ridiculously complex
metanarratives get a show. From their previous incarnations
Totally Wreck to
Omnibeast to
Neo Arcadia,
Ben Aqua (aka ASSACRE, MVSCLZ),
Johnny Cisneros(aka V C CHLDKRFT),
Mark P. Hensel (aka Mizzard),
Mike Ruiz (aka Mikeyawesome),
David Salinas (aka D.A. Deseret), Eli Wellbourne and
Lanneau White (plus a gaggle of
collaborators, probably) take us into an unguided and probably unmanned trip into
their Omniverse of HyperCubes, tape delays, neon fabrics, cathode tubes, wizardry
and Bucky Fuller wet dreams in this quasi-historical show chronicling an artist collective
few people actually know but no one forgets. Art people in Austin will be talking about
these artists, their work and the community they have created for themselves and their
friends over the last half a decade or so (has it been that long?) for many years to come.
Co-curated by Jade Walker and Risa Puleo, this show will probably feel like stepping
into a Tangerine Dream album color with the saturation turned ALL THE WAY UP.
- IL