october 19, 2001

/apparently i'm not very responsive to touch
aphex twin - to cure a weakling child

questioning the pursuit of happiness, but two days pass and he knocks on my door, a few drinks into the night (god dont do that), and i swim into his arms like bread n butta. a little test for myself, patience, sincerity. determining who wants to share my sherbet with me. maybe not knowing whats best but at least knowing somebody else wants to embrace me like i embrace hot crispy french fries after a day of not eating. haha mmm french fries.

saying i'd be happier with someone else almost seems like a cop-out. the way he said "i missed you," a temporary bullet proof blanket. call me naive. but i love this shit.

then there was the night i went to the high school homecoming dance with pontiac, my soul twin. same place we saw weezer, but replaced with teenagers with braces and cell phones and thumping radio booty hits. dancing is not my thing but i think, what the hell i'll make this shit fun, and suddenly my buttcheeks are flying around as if powered by motherfucking energizer batteries.

in fact, the closeness of my you-know-what to her buttcheeks was enough to get us in trouble. this old lady came over and grabbed my arm and sternly sneered at me "you're not very responsive to touch" wouldnt you be confused too? my ass still jiggling and her titties still wigglin, haha, then she's like "your penis should not be touching her butt" or something hilarious. getting yelled at by a figure of authority at a high school function (especially when i dont even go to high school anymore, and umm i like men) is amazingly refreshing. hmm maybe i should position my penis closer to womens asscheeks more often so i can get this feeling of mental renewal on a daily basis.

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